1、There was a time when men were kind, when their voices were soft, and their words inviting. There was a time when love was blind, and the world was a song, and the song was exciting! There was a time, then it all want wrong.
5、House: (showing her sonogram) It has your eyes.
7、Matthew: what did he do? 马修:他做了什么?
8、House: I take risks - sometimes patients die. But not taking risks causes more patients to die. So I guess my biggest problem is I’ve been cursed with the ability to do the math.
9、House: Lie back and lift up your sweater.You can put your arms down.
10、Dr. Wilson: And as long as you’re not trying, you can say whatever you want.
标签:悔的开头可以怎么写、此五臭 臭怎么读、愁煞渡江人怎么念
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