1、Your story may not have a such happy begining, but that doesn't make who you are. It is the rest of your story, who you choose to be。
2、Shen:- I don't care what scars do。
4、你可以锁住我的身体 , 但你永远也锁不住我的 … 斗志 。
5、阿宝:是啊,我留下来了。我留下来是因为每次你往我头上丢砖头,或说我难闻,这很伤我的心。可最伤我心的是,我每天努力练习,却还是这个我。我留下来,因为我以为,如果还有人能改变我,能让我焕然一新,那就是你--中国最伟大的功夫师父! Yes, I stayed. I stayed, because every time you threw up brick on the head or said I smelled, it hurts. But it could never hurt more than I did everyday in my life just being me. I stayed, because I thought if anyone could change me, could make me not me, it was you the greatest Kong Fu teacher in the whole of China!
6、阿宝,天不遂人愿,况且这本不是天意,阿宝,忘了其它的事情,你的使命一直都在向你召唤。我们是面条家族,血管中流着这样的血。 I'm sorry things didn’t work out … It’s just what it’s meant to be Paul, forget everything else, your destiny still awaits. We are Noodle folk Broth runs deep through our veins
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