3、Dr. Foreman: When you break into a house, its always better to have a white chick with you.
4、Send pinault: are you sure? 派皮诺:你确定?
5、Dr. Foreman: You know, House shouldn’t even be here!
6、Dr. Wilson: That’s fair enough, I don’t like healthy patients.
7、Send pinault: I'm waiting for Saturday. My father will come here to pick me up.
8、House: Really? Well, that rules out the race thing. You were just as black last week.
10、Dr. Wilson: You will lie, cheat and steal to get what you want, but you’re incapable of kissing a little ass?
标签:古诗文网满江红秋瑾、女娲补天 古诗文网、春思贾至古诗文网
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