3、How do you say goobye to someone you can't imagine living without? I didn't say goodye. I don't say anything. I just walk away. At the end of that night, I learned the longest way to pass the street.
4、—It's nothing wrong with the blueberry pie. Just people make other choices, you can't blame the bluebreey pies. Just no one wants it.
5、厕所中 高旗问陈羽凡
6、—It's nothing wrong with the blueberry pie. Just people make other choices, you can't blame the bluebreey pies. Just no one wants it.
8、I always have the feeling I can say anything to you, enclosed with the bills I created for you, in memory of our time together.I wonder how you remerber me. As a girl who like blueberry pies? or the girl with a broken heart?
9、(迪厅)陈文(独白):说实话,迪厅是个很傻的地方,你想想,如果你把灯全打开 ,把所有的音乐都关掉,它会是个什么样的地方。
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