1、i can't remember it, miss llsa. i'm a little rusty on it.
2、Ilsa: Who is Rick?
3、It isn't against the rules for a dancer t drink a little wine,is it?
5、– a franc for your thoughts.
6、Rick: Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
7、Captain Renault: [With amusement] Under the circumstances I will sit down.
8、Captain Renault: [With amusement] Under the circumstances I will sit down.
9、Roy Cronin: You're going to get married.
10、Myra: Well, I suppose there is one.
标签:题何氏宅园亭宋王安石拼音、李白别储邕之剡中 拼音、酹江月驿中言别拼音版
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